Posts tagged ‘aesthetics of interaction’

October 15, 2015

The delicacy of handshakes


Eva Lenz will talk about our approach of an “Aesthetic of Interaction” at DeSForM 2015 “Dynamic, multisensory, wise” in Milan. Looking forward to this event. Meet Eva and Matthias at the conference.

Friday, October 16th, 11.30 a.m.
Eva Lenz
The delicacy of handshakes: Reflections on the aesthetics of interaction”

Marc Hassenzahl, Eva Lenz, Sarah Diefenbach, Nigel Geh Keong Teck, “The delicacy of handshakes: Reflections on the aesthetics of interaction”

January 30, 2015

Well, well, well …

I wrote a little paper for CRISP Magazine Issue 4 … Let’s Design People Happy. Read the full issue here … Well, well, well …




December 2, 2014

The Good Life

Am Freitag findet an der Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart das Symposium “Designing for Positive Experience” statt. Am Start sind: Anna Pohlmeyer (Institute for Positive Design, TU Delft), Michael Burmester (HDM), Peter Schnäbele (Bosch), Franz Koller (UID), Matthias Peissner (Fraunhofer IAO), Andreas Wolkenstein (Uni Tübingen) und ich. Ab 10:00 Uhr, ein Besuch lohnt sich!

November 24, 2014

VDI Wissensforum: USEWARE 14

Es ist zu einer unchristlichen Zeit. Am Freitag, den 28.11.14, habe ich die Ehre den zweiten Konferenztag der USEWARE 14 in Heilbronn zu eröffnen. Allerdings um 8:30 Uhr. Es wird aber bestimmt spannend genug, um müde Konferenzteilnehmer aufzuwecken. Das Thema ist “Kein Grund zur Freude mehr? Ein Plädoyer für die behutsame Gestaltung von Alltagsautomatisierung” und es geht – ganz passend zu dieser Zeit – um das Kaffeekochen.

October 10, 2014


We will present parts of our research projects on this year’s NordiCHI’14 in Helsinki.


Tuesday 28.10.14 at 11.40 a.m. (Session: UX Evaluation) | Convenient, clean, and efficient? The experiential costs of everyday automation by Marc Hassenzahl and Holger Klapperich

Thursday 30.10.14 at 10.50 a.m. (Session: Models and Theory) | Aesthetics of Interaction – a literature synthesis by Eva Lenz, Sarah Diefenbach and Marc Hassenzahl 

Thursday 30.10.14 at 11.50 a.m. (Session: Design Cases) | Keymoment: Initiating Behavior Change through Friendly Friction by Matthias Laschke, Sarah Diefenbach, Thies Schneider and Marc Hassenzahl

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

September 4, 2014

Mensch&Computer 2014

Hier ein paar Eindrücke aus München. Unter anderem stellten Sarah und Eva unsere Experience Design Tools vor. Außerdem wurde auch in diesem Jahr der Branchenreport der German UPA präsentiert. Wir hatten eine gute Zeit auf der M&C’14. Danke!

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June 23, 2014

DGPs Kongress 2014

Wir freuen uns über diDGPS 2014e Annahme unseres Beitrags zum DGPs Kongress 2014! Der 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) findet vom 21.–25. September 2014 an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum statt. Im Rahmen der Session “Mensch-Maschine Interaktion II: Usability und User Experience in diversen Nutzungskontexten” wird Sarah Diefenbach darüber berichten auf was es in einer guten (Produkt-)Beziehung wirklich ankommt. Der Titel ihres Vortrags lautet “Von der Liebe auf den ersten Blick zur erfüllten Langzeitbeziehung: Eine phänomenologische Analyse der Bedeutsamkeit hedonischer und pragmatischer Produktattribute in der Mensch-Technik Interaktion”. Weitere Infos zum Programm folgen demnächst unter

June 20, 2014

DIS 2014


Just arrived in Vancouver to attend DIS Conference 2014 and I love it! Looking forward to the Workshop on Environments for creative interaction design processes tomorrow where I will present our research on the Interaction Vocabulary as a design tool. Another highlight will be the opening keynote by Peter-Paul Verbeek on Monday morning, really exciting!

Monday afternoon, 3:20pm, I will give a talk in the session ‘Hedonic’ and present a review on 15 years research about the concept of hedonic quality in HCI – its history, contributions, and future research directions.

Tuesday afternoon, I will be chairing the session on ‘Social Data’ – just read the papers and looking forward to meet the authors in person. I have a million questions, be prepared 😉

And then the (hedonic) gratification: the Banquet Dinner held at Science World on Tuesday night.

June 20, 2014

Ich freue mich auf Weimar

bhi_talks_poster_05_marc_hassenzahl_01_EU (2)

Am 25.06.2014 freue ich mich auf einen Vortrag im Rahmen des bauhausinteraction colloquiums: “Complicated Pleasures: Designing Meaningful Moments”. Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja dort!


May 15, 2014

Data Ecologies 2014


Meet Eva on Data Ecologies symposium in Linz!

Any positive experience involves the fulfillment of psychological needs, such as the need for competence or relatedness. In many cases, needs are fulfilled through activities, “enactments of daily life”, in which things play a crucial role. This creates an interesting opportunity for design. It may harness its ability to shape physical artefacts, but not to make them more beautiful, useful, or robust, but to create and mediate meaningful, positive experiences. Such an “experience-centered design” requires a thorough understanding of the psychology of positive experiences and how they emerge as well as strategies to design experiences and deliver them through the interaction with things. Especially when it comes to the design of the invisible, intangible (i.e., the experience), new conceptual tools and approaches to help designers are needed. In addition, interaction with a thing becomes crucial, as long as it is key in shaping practices. But what is an aesthetic interaction and how do design it?

Data Ecologies 2014. Language & Tools to think out loud about Futures.

Place:  Linz, AT
Site:  Kunstraum Goethestrasse xtd.
Date:  23.05.2014  24.05.2014
Time:  10:30