Archive for October, 2010

October 22, 2010

Science is serious business

Matthias Laschke, Sarah Diefenbach and Daniel Ullrich in deep contemplation about their latest projects.

October 17, 2010


If it comes to music, experiences are central. Concert “industry” is constantly rising. In 2009, people were willing to pay an average of  $64 to see a top 100 act in the US, that is, to pay for an event, which is typically consumed in less than three hours. Such experiences get a good part of their positivity from personal meaning and re-experiencing.

Arthur Almenräder found that admission tickets are often used as tangible memorabilia, placed somewhere visible to trigger memories (and joy from anticipation). While the concert experience, people take digital pictures and movie snippets as intangible memorabilia, typically stored away on a computer.

Arthur’s tickboard aims at linking these two realms by augmenting the tangible tickets with the intangible digitalized memories.

October 15, 2010

Experience Design on NordiCHI 2010

Sarah Diefenbach, Matthias Laschke, Claudia Nass from our cooperation partner IESE, and from the Daniel UllrichTechnical University Darmstadt will present on this year’s NordiChi 2010 in Iceland.

Monday, October 18., 11:00: DESIGNi – A Workbench for Supporting Interaction Design by Claudia Nass, Kerstin Klöckner, Sarah Diefenbach, Marc Hassenzahl. This is a result of the FUN-NI project.

Monday, October 18., 11:00: From Magical Experience to Effortlessness: An Exploration of the Components of Intuitive Interaction by Daniel Ullrich and Sarah Diefenbach.

Tuesday, October 19., 13:00: linked. – A Relatedness Experience for Boys by Matthias Laschke, Marc Hassenzahl, Kurt Mehnert. More on linked is here.

Wednesday, October 20., 9:00: The Impact of Concept (Re)presentation on Users’ Evaluation and Perception by Sarah Diefenbach, Marc Hassenzahl, Kai Eckoldt, Matthias Laschke

If you go there: Enjoy Iceland and meet the Experience Design group.

October 14, 2010

Plötzlich ist die Oma zugeschaltet – Süddeutsche Zeitung Wissen [updt]

Ulrich Pontes hat ein kleines Interview mit mir für die Süddeutsche Zeitung geführt. Hier als .pdf.

Kommentar auf: Ich Marke Du Jane

October 8, 2010

Nachhaltigkeit designen? Produktentwicklung an den Grenzen des Wachstums

Am 13. Oktober 2010, 18:00 Uhr, nehme ich an einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema “Nachhaltigkeit designen?
Produktentwicklung an den Grenzen des Wachstums” teil.  Sie findet an der TU Berlin, Franklinstr. 28/29, Raum 7513 statt. Ein Flyer findet sich hier. Ich bin gespannt.