Archive for February, 2013

February 20, 2013

Experience before Things @ alt.chi 13

It’s trailertime again!

While things (i.e., technologies) play a crucial role in creating and shaping meaningful, positive experiences, their true value lies only in the resulting experiences. It is about what we can do and experience with a thing, about the stories unfolding through using a technology, not about its styling, material, or impressive list of features. This paper explores the notion of “experiences” further: from the link between experiences, well-being, and people’s developing post-materialistic stance to the challenges of the experience market and the experience-driven design of technology.

February 6, 2013

Information zwischen Erlebnis und Interaktion


Auf dem neunten Münchner Typotag hält Claudius Lazzeroni einen Vortrag über ‘Erlebnisse und Interaktion’. Wir freuen uns auf seinen Talk über Interaktion, Transformation und erste Arbeiten aus unserem gemeinsamen Kurs ‘Essen und Denken’. Hier geht es zum Programm…

16.30 Uhr – Claudius Lazzeroni

9. Münchener Typotag
Hirschgartenallee 27 Rgb.
80639 München